stShell how to get this working? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

stShell how to get this working? (wodSSHServer)

by Bill Sands, Thursday, February 25, 2010, 04:28 (5198 days ago)

Could Someone please assist with getting the Delphi demo to run? The instructions say to use object.Service(Index) but I think I'm doing it incorrectly. This code compiles but does not work, so I assume I'm missing something.

procedure TForm1.wodSSHD1_ServiceRequest(ASender: TObject;
const User: ISSHUser; ServiceIndex: Integer; var ServiceType: TOleEnum;
var ServicePath: WideString; var Action: TOleEnum);

ServiceType := stShell;


procedure TForm1.wodSSHD1_ServiceStart(ASender: TObject;
const User: ISSHUser; ServiceIndex: Integer; ServiceType: TOleEnum;
const ServiceName: WideString);

// this is apparently incorrect
User.Service [1];
User.Send ('connected' + #13#10 + #13#10,'');


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