Re: FXP_READ - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: FXP_READ (General questions)

by californiaman, Monday, April 27, 2009, 07:35 (5513 days ago) @ woddrazen

I am using version 2.4.4 which I just purchased on Saturday.

The client is using wodSFTP.NET version (dated 9/7/2006)

At this point it would not be practical for us to upgrade the client. The problem is that we want to force the clients to upgrade but we want to let them know that they need to upgrade by having them download the same document every time. The document says You need to upgrade, etc, etc . If they just cannot download the a document (which is the case right now with the FXP_READ error), they may think the software is broken and discontinue their service.


I tried to duplicate your problem but it works for me using ResolvedPath in DownloadFile Event.

When I try to download some file using wodSFTP.NET it always download file specified in ResolvedPath variable in wodFtpServer DownloadFile Event.

Which version of wodFtpServer you are using? Can you maybe test with latest DEMO version from our site? If you do that please backup somewhere you old licensed version.

If there doesn't work maybe you should update also wodSFTP.NET.

Let us know ho wit goes.


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