Re: MaxTransferRate and FTPSimplicit - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: MaxTransferRate and FTPSimplicit (General questions)

by Frode Tonnessen, Monday, April 28, 2008, 08:42 (5866 days ago) @ wodgrof


Thanks again for the quick reply. My Issue is the following. I limit the transferrate to 810 Kb's. transfering a 160 MB file the avrage transferRate is 3600 Kb's. If i limit the transferrate to 800, i get an avrate speed of 760 witch is perfetcly fine. Here's a example you can use to se the issue

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents ftp As wodFtpDLXComLib.wodFtpDLXCom
Private Sub Command1_Click()

ftp.Timeout = 40
ftp.HostName = yourserver
ftp.Protocol = FTPSimplicit
ftp.Port = 990
ftp.Login = user
ftp.Password = pass
ftp.Compression = 0
ftp.Blocking = False
ftp.Passive = True
ftp.MaxTransferRate = 829440 ' 810 KB's

End Sub

Private Sub ftp_Connected(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
If ErrorCode = 0 Then
ftp.PutFile c: est.avi
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ftp_Progress(ByVal Position As Long, ByVal Total As Long)
Debug.Print Speed & ftp.TransferRate / 1024
End Sub

Frode Tønnessen

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