Bad variable type. in Delphi 7 Code Gear - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Bad variable type. in Delphi 7 Code Gear (wodFTPServer)

by matrix2, Wednesday, March 05, 2008, 12:43 (5920 days ago)


This message shows when I have run Project 1 from Delphi samples dir for wodFTPServer component.
I have found that the error pops up in OleCtrls.pas (Delphi) code and exactly at the line
which throws EOleSysError exception.

This problem doesn't occur in Delphi 6.
Can you please help me trying to solve this problem?

Complete thread:


  • Bad variable type. in Delphi 7 Code Gear - matrix2, 2008-03-05, 12:43 [*]