Re: Problem: select text from the backlog and copy - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Problem: select text from the backlog and copy (General questions)

by vbiggar, Tuesday, June 06, 2006, 11:45 (6558 days ago) @ wodAlan

My question was answered in a support ticket but I wanted to post this for anyone browsing the forum for info.

********** from tkt ***********

I noticed why you don't see the problem. When I use your menu to copy, paste etc there is no issue with copying outside the visible window.

If I use SelectedText then no text outside the visible window gets copied to the clipboard. If you could make SelectedText work the same as your menu copy. Also select all from the menu should have an option to select all of the text or just the visible window.

I was trying to remove the VBCrLf from the end of the selection that is added. Many times you don't want to paste a CRLF along with your text. Its safer to just hit enter when done pasting.

I did this with the following code added to the right click event

Private Sub wod1_RightClick(ByVal Row As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer, ShowMenu As Boolean)

Dim test As Integer

aa = Clipboard.GetText()
test = InStr(Len(aa) - 2, aa, vbCrLf, vbBinaryCompare)

If test > 1 Then
aa = Mid(aa, 1, Len(aa) - 2)
End If

Clipboard.SetText (aa)
'ShowMenu = False
clipviewer.Visible = True
clipviewer.Text = aa

End Sub

This works pretty good.

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