Sftp_GetAttributes method - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Sftp_GetAttributes method (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Mariana, Friday, January 11, 2019, 12:28 (1955 days ago) @ wodSupport


In fact, the application goes well (using SftpDLL64.dll already indicated), if it transfers to a destination with an older HP UX server.
If there is a connection with a newer HP UX server version (mentioned above), on client it appears that nothing has been transferred, but, in fact, on destination, everything is successfully transferred.
In this case, the Sftp_GetAttributes method returns 0, as it already finds the transferred archives on the server.

bool SFTPConnection::SFTPFileFind(LPCTSTR RemoteFile)
long lfileExist = Sftp_GetAttributes(handle, (char *) RemoteFile, 0);
if(lfileExist == 0)
TCHAR Temp[100];
wsprintf(Temp,"%s",RemoteFile) ;
return true;
The problem appears as a desynchronization between client and server. The client does not know that the transfer is already done on the server.


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