OnConnect Event does not fire as expected - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

OnConnect Event does not fire as expected (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Bernhard K, Monday, June 18, 2018, 16:07 (2162 days ago)

I am currently evaluating the ActiveX WodSFTP component with Embarcadero Delphi. So far everything seems ok, but I have a big problem:
If I do a SFTP.connect to an invalid FQDN or if that server is down or if I am offline, the component does not fire the OnConnected event as stated in the manual:
"If an error occurs during connection, the Connected event will be fired with ErrorCode set to the error that occurred"

Now my question is: on what cases is the OnConnected event triggered with an error?

Regards, Bernhard

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