how to use Relay to connect peers which are unreachable. - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

how to use Relay to connect peers which are unreachable. (General questions)

by ardar, Thursday, May 19, 2016, 22:40 (2922 days ago) @ Jasmine

thank you, i tried to use the VPNRelay, it works but i have confuse about:
1. is one instance of VPNRelay can only serve to one pair of peers? or one VPNRelay can serve to many peers, and peers can identify the target by ID and targetID ? which decided whether i should initial a lot of VPNRelay instances or i can only initial only one instance on the server.

2. one of the privous post here said that you can set the vpnRelay.Password before start the relay, i don't understand how to use the passowrd, it should be the same as the peer's passowrd which is set in calling

 wodVPN.Start(myId, password) 

? i tried not to set it, the peer also can connect to the relay, so what's the usage of the password?

3. did the relay check the 2 peers's id's matching? or just simple match any two peers which are connected to the same relay at the same time?

thank you

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