windows service - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

windows service (wodFTPServer)

by Jasmine, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 10:57 (3016 days ago) @ Gary

Hi Gary.

I just tried with regular console application that is easier to test. Following simple code works. Can you try it on your side, and then copy/paste to your service, and check if it works?


namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom Ftp1;
            Ftp1 = new wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom();
            Ftp1.Protocol = wodFTPDComLib.ProtocolsEnum.FTP;
            Ftp1.LoginPassword += new wodFTPDComLib._IwodFTPDComEvents_LoginPasswordEventHandler(Ftp1_LoginPassword);

            while (true)


        static void Ftp1_LoginPassword(wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser User, string Login, string Password, ref wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions Action)
            Action = wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions.Allow;

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